June 20th @ Graduate Eugene

Early Bird registration is now open! Early bird tickets are limited to 100 tickets or will close April 12th whichever comes first. You don’t want to wait! If you become a member now you’ll save $30 off the original ticket price plus get all the benefits of a YP Member. Learn More below.

Not a member? Click here to join.

Title Sponsor

Not a YP Member yet?

Don't worry, you dont have to be a member to go to the Summit, but it makes sense to become one if you're planning on going. For only $50/year *, you get the discounted ticket price for the YP Summit as well as all of the great benefits of being a member.

*$75 for non-chamber members


Event Perks

Free or discounted access to events throughout the year.

Early Bird

Early access and discounted pricing to select events like the annual YP Summit.

CEO Roundtables

Exclusive invitation to CEO roundtables for members only.

Exclusive Events

Get exclusive access to YP Hustle and YP Engage events.


All members get access to the Eugene Young Professional Member Directory.

Save Money

Having a YP Membership can save you up to $180 on yearly YP events.

Answers to Your Questions

What is the Summit?

At the fourth annual Eugene Young Professionals Summit, we invite you to activate your curiosity, discover new ways to grow personally and professionally, foster connections, and dig your roots deep into the community to initiate positive change. Join more than 500 other young professionals in this day-long exploration, fueled by inspiring keynote speakers, insightful panel discussions, motivating change-maker sessions, and opportunities to connect with the leaders of today and tomorrow. We are all in this together.

Do I have to be a Chamber or YP Member to attend?

The YP Summit is open for any young professional whether you are a Eugene YP member, Chamber member, or not. Your Eugene YP membership will give you discounted event rates, access to exclusive events such as CEO Roundtables and gets you a discounted ticket to the Summit. See the breakdown on ticket prices below. 

What kind of content can I expect?

We try and schedule speakers that will speak to a wide variety of programming and audiences. In addition to our 2 Keynotes, we have over 20 breakout sessions you will have the option of attending from many different sectors and will fall under one of the four content tracks: Personal Development, Professional Development, Community Development, and Civic Engagement.

Some of our planned topics this year include: What is Design Thinking?, Authentic Leadership, The Enneagram, Intro to Local Government Activism, Failure is an Option, Discover What You Love, Creative Problem Solving for High Performing Teams, Advanced Personal Finance, and many more. We will announce the full schedule soon.

When is the Summit?

The Summit is on Thursday June 20th.

Where is the Summit?

The Summit is at the Graduate Eugene.

What is a Young Professional?

The content for the Eugene Young Professionals is targeted towards those who are seeking personal and professional development, live, work, or play in the Eugene area, and who are looking for advice on how to get more involved, grow their career, and expand their network.

What networking opportunities will I have?

At the Summit, you will have the opportunity to network with over 500 young professionals. In addition to the presented content, we will facilitate group discussions, table activities, and have interactive exhibits throughout the conference.  You will also have networking opportunities during breaks, and at our After Party, which is included with your Summit ticket.

What if I can’t afford a ticket?

A lot employers will send their YP employee to the Summit. Check with your employer to see if they can purchase you a ticket. We also offer a YP Scholarship Program, courtesy of our Scholarship Sponsor, Northwest Christian University, we are pleased to offer 10 full-day scholarships for this year’s Summit! The scholarship includes all-day admission to the event, breakfast, lunch and entry to the after party. 

Want to be considered, fill out our application here. 
*Applications close May 1st. 

Ticket Prices

Below you will see the cost breakdown for attending the Summit.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Title Sponsor

Venue and After Party Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Become a Sponsor

After a successful launch in 2016, the Eugene Young Professionals Summit has increased attendance by 58% and is ready to break record numbers again. We’re back at it in 2019 to bring an even bigger, better Summit. We can’t wait to continue the momentum and energy of the first three years and help more young professionals find their passions, find their voice and continue to build on past success.

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